Same day appointments are usually not possible, please reach out in advance when intending to book a service.
Other than eyebrow waxing, all appointments will require a deposit of 50% of the service amount at the time of booking. This deposit will be put towards your payment at the time of service.
There is a 5 minute grace period for brow wax appointments, and a 10 minute grace period for all other services. Please note that the amount of time you are late will be retracted from your service time (i.e. 55 minute facial becomes a 45 minute facial).
If you arrive past your grace period, your appointment will be cancelled. You will be considered a no-show and charged 100% of the amount of your service. This must be paid before scheduling your next service.
​48 hours before your scheduled appointment, contact will be made requesting confirmation of your appointment. If confirmation is not received by 9pm that day, the appointment will be cancelled, and your deposit will not be returned.
If you cancel your appointment at your 48 hour confirmation text, your deposit will be kept, and another deposit must be made in order to schedule another appointment.
If you cancel the day of your appointment, you will be required to pay for the service in full, and another appointment will not be scheduled until full payment is made.
Cash, debit and credit is accepted
Payment is due at the completion of service
Gift certificates are available for purchase of service and/or skincare products
All gift certificate purchases are non-refundable
All services are non-refundable