Face Reality

With a 90% success rate within 90 days, Face Reality is dedicated to clearing your skin. As a Certified Acne Expert, I am able to customize a routine of products and treatments that are perfect for YOU!

Why Face Reality?
Acne is a chronic, usually genetically caused condition that has no cure. Yes, you heard me, all we can do is TREAT the acne. Luckily, we know more now than we ever have about how the body works, which gives us the ability to heal our acne a bit easier. ​
With Face Reality products, you will have a completely customized routine and regimen that suites your specific skin color, skin type, type/severity of acne, as well as your gut health! After an in depth consultation and skin analysis, we will work as a team over 90 days to clear your skin and ignite your self-esteem.

I have been where you are...
You can get through this!

Acne Bootcamp
Working with Face Reality is a 12 week program with a strict home care regimen. In this "bootcamp," you will be seeing me every 2-3 weeks for facial treatments and possible regimen alterations. We will work together over those 12 weeks to clear your acne FOR GOOD!